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Lijsten van vermeende sekten: verschil tussen versies

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Regel 9: Regel 9:
== België ==
== België ==

=== Parliamentary Inquiry Commission (1997) ===
=== Parlementaire Onderzoekscommissie (1997) ===
De juridische commissie van de Belgische [[Kamer van Volksvertegenwoordigers]] benoemde een parlementaire onderzoekscommissie om een beleid in verband met ''sekten'' uit te stippelen. Op 28 april 1997 presenteerde de onderzoekscommissie een 670 bladzijden tellend verslag<ref name="belgium1997">''Enquête Parlementaire visant à élaborer une politique en vue de lutter contre les practiques illégales des sectes et le danger qu'elles représentent pour la société et pour les personnes, particulièrement les mineurs d'âge. Rapport fait au nom de la Commission d'enquête par MM. Duquesne et Willems. Partie II.'' [ Online] – tweetalig verslag: Frans/Nederlands.</ref> dat een lijst bevatte van 189 groepen en bewegingen, en vermeldde dat "[t]he fact that a movement is listed here, even if at the instigation of an official instance, does not signify that the Commission regards it as a cult". Het parlement aanvaardde niet het hele verslag, en stemde ervoor om enkel de conclusies en aanbevelingen van de onderzoekscommissie aan te nemen (19 bladzijden), maar niet de lijst. Hoewel niet de hele lijst aangenomen werd, publiceerde de commissie het hele verslag.<ref name="fautre">{{cite web |url= |title=The Sect Issue in France and in Belgium| author=  Fautré, Willy |publisher= Human Rights Without Frontiers Int.|accessdate=2007-01-23|year=2002|format=PDF}}</ref>  Volgens Human Rights Without Frontiers International werd de Belgische Kamer van Volksvertegenwoordigers in 2005 veroordeeld voor het schade toebrengen aan het imago van een organisatie (Universal Church of God’s Kingdom), die voorkwam in de lijst van de parlementaire onderzoekscommissie uit 1997.<ref>[ Human Rights Without Frontiers International: Human Rights in Belgium] Jaarverslag (Annual Report) (Events in 2005).</ref>

The Justice Commission of the Belgian [[Belgian Chamber of People's Representatives|House of Representatives]] set up a parliamentary inquiry commission to work out a policy concerning cults. On April 28, 1997, the parliamentary commission issued its 670-page report<ref name="belgium1997">''Enquête Parlementaire visant à élaborer une politique en vue de lutter contre les practiques illégales des sectes et le danger qu'elles représentent pour la société et pour les personnes, particulièrement les mineurs d'âge. Rapport fait au nom de la Commission d'enquête par MM. Duquesne et Willems. Partie II.'' [Parliamentary Inquiry with the aim of detailing a policy for combating the illegal practices of cults and the danger they represent for society and for people, especially minors. Report made in the name of the Commission of Inquiry by Messieurs Duquesne and Willems. Part 2.] [ available online] -- bilingual report in French and Flemish, retrieved 2007-01-08.</ref> that contained a list of 189 movements, and stated that "[t]he fact that a movement is listed here, even if at the instigation of an official instance, does not signify that the Commission regards it as a cult". The parliament failed to adopt the report as such and only voted to accept the conclusions and recommendations (19 pages), and not the list. Despite the lack of adoption of the list, the commission published the whole report, including the list.<ref name="fautre">{{cite web |url= |title=The Sect Issue in France and in Belgium| author=  Fautré, Willy |publisher= Human Rights Without Frontiers Int.|accessdate=2007-01-23|year=2002|format=PDF}}</ref>  According to Human Rights Without Frontiers International, a Brussels Appeals Court in 2005 condemned the Belgian House of Representatives on the grounds that it had damaged the image of an organization (the Universal Church of God's Kingdom) listed in the 1997 parliamentary inquiry commission on sects.<ref>[ Human Rights Without Frontiers International: Human Rights in Belgium] Annual Report (Events in 2005).</ref>
De lijst van bewegingen en groepen zoals deze in het document van de onderzoekscommissie uit België voorkwam:
The Belgian list of groups (French-language naming or primary naming, with numbering as in the original document):
* 1. Aba Vangh
* 1. Aba Vangh
Regel 209: Regel 208:

== Canada ==
== Canada ==
A [[Canadian Security Intelligence Service]] report of 1999 discussed "Doomsday Religious Movements espousing hostile beliefs and having the potential to be violent.."  Groups classified as "[[Doomsday cult|Doomsday Religious Movements]]"  included:
Een verslag van de [[Canadian Security Intelligence Service]] uit 1999 behandelde „''Doomsday Religious Movements espousing hostile beliefs and having the potential to be violent...''” (Doemsdag-religieuze bewegingen met vijandige geloofspunten en met potentieel tot gewelddadigheid. Groepen die in Canada als ''Doomsday Relgious Movements'' werden behandeld, waren:
* the [[Branch Davidians]]
* the [[Branch Davidians]]
* the Tin Yat lineage  
* the Tin Yat lineage  
* Canada's [[Order of the Solar Temple]]
* Canada’s [[Order of the Solar Temple]]
* [[Aum Shinrikyo]] (called the "Aum cult")<ref name="canadianintelligence">"Doomsday Religious Movements", ''PERSPECTIVES'',  
* [[Aum Shinrikyo]] (genaamd de ’Aum cult’)<ref name="canadianintelligence">"Doomsday Religious Movements", ''PERSPECTIVES'', a [[Canadian Security Intelligence Service]] publication, Report # 2000/03, December 18, 1999. [ available online], last updated November 1, 2000.</ref>
a [[Canadian Security Intelligence Service]] publication, Report # 2000/03, December 18, 1999. [ available online], last updated November 1, 2000.</ref>

In 2005, the Hate Crimes Unit of the Edmonton Police Service confiscated anti-[[Falun Gong]] materials distributed at the annual conference of the [[American Family Foundation]] by staff members of the Calgary Chinese Consulate (Province of Alberta, Canada). The materials, including the calling of Falun Gong a "cult," were identified as having breached the Criminal Code, which bans the wilful promotion of hatred against identifiable religious groups.<ref>[ Edmonton Police Report of Wilful Promotion of Hatred by Chinese Consular Officials against Falun Gong], Appendix 8 to "Bloody Harvest: Revised Report into Allegations of Organ Harvesting of Falun Gong Practitioners in China," By David Matas, Esq. and Hon. David Kilgour, Esq.</ref>
In 2005 nam de ''Hate Crimes Unit'' van de politie van Edmonton anti-[[Falun Gong]]-materiaal in beslag dat verspreid werd op de jaarlijkse conferentie van de [[American Family Foundation]] door medewerkers van het Chinees Consulaat van Calvary (Provincie Alberta, Canada). Het materiaal, waarin Falun Gong een ''cult'' werd genoemd, werd beschouwd als een inbreuk op de wetgeving (Criminal Code) waarin het opzettelijk bevorderen van haat tegen identificeerbare religieuze groepen wordt verboden.<ref>[ Edmonton Police Report of Wilful Promotion of Hatred by Chinese Consular Officials against Falun Gong], Appendix 8, bij ''Bloody Harvest: Revised Report into Allegations of Organ Harvesting of Falun Gong Practitioners in China'', door David Matas, Esq. and Hon. David Kilgour, Esq.</ref>

The General Office of Ministry of Public Security of the government of [[China]] maintains a list of what it considers "evil cults,"  entitled "Information Regarding the Organizations Already Identified as Cults."  Among the groups listed is Christian-based [[Eastern Lightning]].<ref>Jason Kindopp, Carol Lee Hamrin (editors), ''God and Caesar in China'', Brookings Institution Press, 2004, ISBN 0815749368, page 73</ref> The followers of [[Watchman Nee]] (the Shouters) are said to be the first group put on the list, in 1983.<ref>Daniel H. Bays, ''A New History of Christianity in China,'' Wiley-Blackwell, 2012, ISBN 9781405159548</ref> Other Christian-based groups on the list include: The [[Shouters 2]] (Chinese Shouters), [[Established King]], the [[Lord God Sect]], the [[Lingling Sect]], the [[All Scope Church]], the [[South China Church]], the [[Disciples Sect]], the [[Three Ranks of Service]], the [[Cold Water Sect]], the [[Commune Sect]], the [[New Testiment Church]], the [[Resurrection Sect]], the [[Dami Evangelism Association]], and the [[World Elijah Evangelism Association]].<ref>Fenggang Yang, ''Religion in China: Survival and Revival under Communist Rule, 2011, [[Oxford University Press]], ISBN13: 9780199735648, pages 102-195</ref>  In 2001,  [[Falun Gong]] was added to the list.<ref>US Commission on International Religious Freedom, 2001, US GPO,  page 28</ref>
Het Algemeen Bureau van het Ministerie van Openbare Veiligheid van de Volksrepubliek China houdt een lijst bij van wat het Bureau beschouwt als ’schadelijke sekten’. De titel luidt: ''Information Regarding the Organizations Already Identified as Cults'' (Informatie omtrent de organisaties die reeds als sekten werden geïdentificeerd). Onder de groepen is het op het christendom gebaseerde [[Eastern Lightning]].<ref>Jason Kindopp, Carol Lee Hamrin (editors), ''God and Caesar in China'', Brookings Institution Press, 2004, ISBN 0815749368, page 73</ref> De volgelingen van [[Watchman Nee]] (the Shouters) zouden in 1983 als eersten op de lijst zijn geplaatst.<ref>Daniel H. Bays, ''A New History of Christianity in China,'' Wiley-Blackwell, 2012, ISBN 9781405159548</ref> Andere groepen op christelijke basis in deze lijst zijn: The [[Shouters 2]] (Chinese Shouters), [[Established King]], de Heer God-’sekte’ ([[Lord God Sect]]), de [[Lingling]]-’sekte’, de [[All Scope Church]], de Zuid-China Kerk ([[South China Church]]), de Discipelen (Disciples Sect), de Drie Graden van Dienst ([[Three Ranks of Service]]), de Koud Water-’sekte’ ([[Cold Water Sect]]), the [[Commune Sect]], de Nieuw Testament Kerk ([[New Testament Church]]), de Opstandings-’sekte’ [[Resurrection Sect]], de [[Dami Evangelism Association]], en de [[World Elijah Evangelism Association]].<ref>Fenggang Yang, ''Religion in China: Survival and Revival under Communist Rule, 2011, [[Oxford University Press]], ISBN13: 9780199735648, pages 102-195</ref>  In 2001,  [[Falun Gong]] was added to the list.<ref>US Commission on International Religious Freedom, 2001, US GPO,  page 28</ref>

== Duitsland (Germany) ==
== Duitsland ==
=== Berlin Senate report (1997) ===
=== Verslag van de Berlijnse senaat (1997) ===
An official report of a [[Senate of Berlin|Senate]] Committee of the city and state of Berlin in Germany listed and discussed cults ({{lang-de|Sekten}}), emphasizing with its sub-title their categorization as "entities espousing a [[world view]] and new religions". The 1997 Berlin Senate report — entitled ''Cults: Risks and Side-effects: Information on selected new religious and world-view espousing Movements and Psycho-offerings''<ref name="germany1997">{{cite book|last=Rũhle (ed.)|first=Anne|coauthors=Ina Kunst|title= "Sekten": Risiken und Nebenwirkungen: Informationen zu ausgewählten neuen religiõsen und weltanschaulichen Bewegungen und Psychoangeboten.'' [Cults: Risks and Side-effects. Information on selected new religious and world-view Movements and Psycho-offerings]|origdate=|origyear=1994|url=|accessdate=2007-02-06
In een officieel verslag van een commissie van de Senaat van de stad en deelstaat Berlijn, werden ''Sekten'' opgesomd en besproken. Door de ondertitel werden ze gecategoriseerd als groepen die een levensbeschouwing aannemen en nieuwe religies. Het verslag van de Berlijnse Senaat uit 1997, met de titel ''„Sekten“: Risiken und Nebenwirkungen: Informationen zu ausgewählten neuen religiösen und weltanschaulichen Bewegungen und Psychoangeboten.'' („Sekten”: risico’s en bijwerkingen: informatie over geselecteerde religieuze en levensbeschouwelijke bewegingen en psycho-aanbiedingen)<ref name="germany1997">{{cite book|last=Rühle (ed.)|first=Anne|coauthors=Ina Kunst|title= "Sekten": Risiken und Nebenwirkungen: Informationen zu ausgewählten neuen religiõsen und weltanschaulichen Bewegungen und Psychoangeboten.'' |origdate=|origyear=1994|url=|accessdate=2007-02-06
|edition=2nd|volume=1|date=December 1997|publisher= Senatsverwaltung für Schule, Jugend and Sport. [Senate Administration for School, Youth and Sport]|language= German}}</ref> — subdivided "selected suppliers" (''ausgewählte Anbieter'') of its objects of interest as:
|edition=2nd|volume=1|date=December 1997|publisher= Senatsverwaltung für Schule, Jugend and Sport. [Senate Administration for School, Youth and Sport]|language= German}}</ref> — bevatte volgende geselecteerde ''aanbieders'':

* 7.1: Groups with a Christian background (''Gruppen mit christlichem Hintergrund'')
* 7.1: Gruppen mit christlichem Hintergrund
** 7.1.1 [[Uriella#Fiat Lux|Fiat Lux]]
** 7.1.1 [[Uriella#Fiat Lux|Fiat Lux]]
** 7.1.2 Parish on the Road Evangelical Free Church (registered association) (''Gemeinde auf dem Weg Evangelische Freikirche e.V'')
** 7.1.2 ''Gemeinde auf dem Weg Evangelische Freikirche e.V''
** 7.1.3 Parish of Jesus Christ (registered association) Boston Church of Christ (''Gemeinde Jesu Christi e.V. (Boston Church of Christ)'')
** 7.1.3 ''Gemeinde Jesu Christi e.V. (Boston Church of Christ)''
** 7.1.4 [[Universal Life]] (Re-gathering of Jesus Christ) (''Universelles Leben (Heimholungswerk Jesu Christi/HHW)'')
** 7.1.4 [[Universal Life]] (Re-gathering of Jesus Christ) (''Universelles Leben (Heimholungswerk Jesu Christi/HHW)'')
** 7.1.5 [[Unification Church]] ([[Sun Myung Moon|Moon]] movement) (''Vereinigungskirche (Mun-Bewegung)'')
** 7.1.5 [[Unification Church]] ([[Sun Myung Moon|Moon]] movement) (''Vereinigungskirche (Mun-Bewegung)'')
* 7.2 Groups with a [[Paganism|pagan]] background (''Gruppen mit heidnischem Hintergrund'')
* 7.2 ''Gruppen mit [[heidendom|heidnischem]] Hintergrund''
** 7.2.1 Teutonic Belief Association (registered association) (''Germanische Glaubengemeinschaft e.V. (GGG)'')
** 7.2.1 ''Germanische Glaubengemeinschaft e.V. (GGG)''
** 7.2.2 Pagan Association (registered association) (''Heidnische Gemeinschaft e.V. (HG)'')
** 7.2.2 ''Heidnische Gemeinschaft e.V. (HG)''
* 7.3 Groups with a [[Hinduism|Hinduistic]] background (''Gruppen mit hinduistischem Hintergrund'')
* 7.3 ''Gruppen mit hinduistischem Hintergrund'')
** 7.3.1 [[International Society for Krishna Consciousness]] (ISKCON) (''International Society of Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON)'')
** 7.3.1 [[International Society for Krishna Consciousness]] (ISKCON)
** 7.3.2 [[Osho movement|OSHO-Movement]] ([[Osho (Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh)|Osho]]) (''OSHO-Bewegung (Bhagwan)'')
** 7.3.2 [[Osho movement|OSHO-Movement]] ([[Osho (Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh)|Osho]]) (''OSHO-Bewegung (Bhagwan)'')
** 7.3.3 [[Ruhani Satsang]] of [[Sant Thakar Singh|Thakar Singh]] (''Ruhani Satsang des Thakar Singh'')
** 7.3.3 [[Ruhani Satsang]] van [[Sant Thakar Singh|Thakar Singh]] (''Ruhani Satsang des Thakar Singh'')
** 7.3.4 [[Transcendental Meditation]] (TM) (''Transzendentale Meditation (TM)'')
** 7.3.4 [[Transcendental Meditation]] (TM) (''Transzendentale Meditation (TM)'')
* 7.4 Suppliers of Life-Help (''Anbieter von Lebenshilfe'')
* 7.4 Suppliers of Life-Help (''Anbieter von Lebenshilfe'')
** commercial: (''kommerziell:'')
** commercieel: (''kommerziell:'')
** 7.4.1 The Circle of Friends of [[Bruno Gröning]] (''Bruno Gröning-Freundeskreise'')
** 7.4.1 [[Bruno Gröning]]-Vriendenkring (''[[Bruno Gröning]]-Freundeskreise'')
** 7.4.2 Context Seminar Company Limited (''Kontext Seminar GmbH'')
** 7.4.2 Context Seminar Company Limited (''Kontext Seminar GmbH'')
** 7.4.3 [[Landmark Education]] (LE) (''Landmark Education (LE)'')
** 7.4.3 [[Landmark Education]] (LE) (''Landmark Education (LE)'')
Regel 251: Regel 248:
** 7.4.5 [[Scientology]]
** 7.4.5 [[Scientology]]
** 7.4.6 The Natale Institute (TNI)
** 7.4.6 The Natale Institute (TNI)
** non-commercial: (''nicht kommerziell:'')
** niet-commercieel: (''nicht kommerziell:'')
** 7.4.7 Union for the Enhancement of the psychological Knowledge of Mankind (''Verein zur Förderung der psychologischen Menschenkenntnis (VPM)'')
** 7.4.7 ''Verein zur Förderung der psychologischen Menschenkenntnis (VPM)''
* 7.5 [[Occultism]]/[[Satanism]] (''Okkultismus/Satanismus'')
* 7.5 [[Occultisme]]/[[Satanisme]] (''Okkultismus/Satanismus'')
* 7.6 So-called [[Multi-level marketing|Multi-level Marketers]] (''Sogenannte Strukturvertriebe'')
* 7.6 Zogenaamde [[Multi-level marketing|Multi-level Marketers]] (''Sogenannte Strukturvertriebe'')

Regel 266: Regel 263:
|accessdate= 2008-07-26|last= Fenech|first= Georges|authorlink= Georges Fenech|date= 2006-06-21 |work= |publisher= République Française|language= French|quote= }}</ref>
|accessdate= 2008-07-26|last= Fenech|first= Georges|authorlink= Georges Fenech|date= 2006-06-21 |work= |publisher= République Française|language= French|quote= }}</ref>

===French parliamentary commission report (1995)===
===Verslag van de Franse parlementaire commissie (1995)===
De opinie is in Frankrijk verdeeld over het verslag van de parlementaire commissie uit 1995. Een provincierechtbank stelde dat al deze parlementaire geen juridische uitwerking hebben.<ref>{{cite web|url=|title= TRIBUNAL ADMINISTRATIF DE CAEN N° 0500913|accessdate= 2008-07-26|year= 2007|format= PDF|work= |publisher= Le Tribunal administratif de Caen, (1er Chambre)|language= French|quote= ... un rapport établi par la commission d’enquête de l’Assemblée nationale classant les Témoins de Jehovah parmi les sectes, un tel rapport étant dépourvu de valeur Juridique ...}}</ref> And as stated above, a Prime Ministerial ''circulaire'' warned that name-changes had reduced the usefulness of this particular Parliamentary report.<ref name=circulaire />
Opinion in France varies as to the applicability of the 1995 Parliamentary report. A provincial court case noted that all such Parliamentary reports have no juridical impact.<ref>{{cite web|url=|title= TRIBUNAL ADMINISTRATIF DE CAEN N° 0500913|accessdate= 2008-07-26|year= 2007|format= PDF|work= |publisher= Le Tribunal administratif de Caen, (1er Chambre)|language= French|quote= ... un rapport établi par la commission d’enquête de l’Assemblée nationale classant les Témoins de Jehovah parmi les sectes, un tel rapport étant dépourvu de valeur Juridique ...}}</ref> And as stated above, a Prime Ministerial ''circulaire'' warned that name-changes had reduced the usefulness of this particular Parliamentary report.<ref name=circulaire />

Regel 455: Regel 451:

=== French parliamentary commission report (1999) ===
=== Verslag van de Franse parlementaire onderzoekscommissie (1999) ===

The French Parliamentary report of 1999 on cults and money<ref name="france1999">{{cite web|url=|title= Les sectes et l'argent [Cults and money]|accessdate= 2009-04-20|author= Assemblée Nationale|authorlink= National Assembly of France|coauthors= |date= 1999-06-10|publisher= République Française|language= French  
The French Parliamentary report of 1999 on cults and money<ref name="france1999">{{cite web|url=|title= Les sectes et l'argent [Cults and money]|accessdate= 2009-04-20|author= Assemblée Nationale|authorlink= National Assembly of France|coauthors= |date= 1999-06-10|publisher= République Française|language= French  
|quote= enquête sur la situation financière, patrimoniale et fiscale des sectes, ainsi que sur leurs activités économiques et leurs relations avec les milieux économiques et financiers [inquiry into the finances, property and income of cults, as well as into their economic activities and their connections with economic and financial circles]}}</ref> concentrated its attention on some 30 groups which it judged as major players in respect of their financial influence.<ref name="fr99annex">{{cite web|url=|title= Les sectes et l'argent - Annexes (Cults and money - Appendices)|accessdate= 2009-04-20|author= Assemblée Nationale|authorlink= National Assembly of France|coauthors= |date= 1999-06-10|publisher= République Française|language= French |quote= La Commission a choisi de sélectionner une trentaine de sectes (1) qui lui paraissent disposer d'une influence économique et d'un poids financier significatifs, et pour lesquelles elle a pu rassembler des informations qu'elle juge utile de rendre publiques. [The Commission chose to select some thirty cults which appeared to it to have significant economic influence and financial clout; and for which it could assemble information which it judged useful to publicise.]}}</ref> It underlined the non-exhaustive character of its investigations, seeing them as a snapshot at a point in time and based on informatiion available.<ref>{{cite web|url=|title= Les sectes et l'argent - Annexes (Cults and money - Appendices)|accessdate= 2009-04-20|author= Assemblée Nationale|authorlink= National Assembly of France|coauthors=|date= 1999-06-10|publisher= République Française|language= French |quote=  La Commission tient donc à souligner le caractère non exhaustif des éléments figurant ci-après : le fait qu'une secte ne soit pas mentionnée ou qu'une rubrique la concernant ne soit pas renseignée ne signifie nullement qu'elle soit dépourvue de toute importance économique et financière. ... Il s'agit donc d'une photographie réalisée à un instant donné à partir des informations dont la Commission a pu avoir connaissance. [The Commission however underlines the non-exhaustive character of the data below: the fact that a cult gets no mention or that a detail concerning it remains unreported in no way signifies that it may lack any economic or financial immportance ... Thus it becomes a matter of a snapshot made at a given point-in-time on the basis of information which the Commission could take into consideration.]}}</ref>
|quote= enquête sur la situation financière, patrimoniale et fiscale des sectes, ainsi que sur leurs activités économiques et leurs relations avec les milieux économiques et financiers [inquiry into the finances, property and income of cults, as well as into their economic activities and their connections with economic and financial circles]}}</ref> concentrated its attention on some 30 groups which it judged as major players in respect of their financial influence.<ref name="fr99annex">{{cite web|url=|title= Les sectes et l'argent - Annexes (Cults and money - Appendices)|accessdate= 2009-04-20|author= Assemblée Nationale|authorlink= National Assembly of France|coauthors= |date= 1999-06-10|publisher= République Française|language= French |quote= La Commission a choisi de sélectionner une trentaine de sectes (1) qui lui paraissent disposer d'une influence économique et d'un poids financier significatifs, et pour lesquelles elle a pu rassembler des informations qu'elle juge utile de rendre publiques. [The Commission chose to select some thirty cults which appeared to it to have significant economic influence and financial clout; and for which it could assemble information which it judged useful to publicise.]}}</ref> It underlined the non-exhaustive character of its investigations, seeing them as a snapshot at a point in time and based on informatiion available.<ref>{{cite web|url=|title= Les sectes et l'argent - Annexes (Cults and money - Appendices)|accessdate= 2009-04-20|author= Assemblée Nationale|authorlink= National Assembly of France|coauthors=|date= 1999-06-10|publisher= République Française|language= French |quote=  La Commission tient donc à souligner le caractère non exhaustif des éléments figurant ci-après : le fait qu'une secte ne soit pas mentionnée ou qu'une rubrique la concernant ne soit pas renseignée ne signifie nullement qu'elle soit dépourvue de toute importance économique et financière. ... Il s'agit donc d'une photographie réalisée à un instant donné à partir des informations dont la Commission a pu avoir connaissance. [The Commission however underlines the non-exhaustive character of the data below: the fact that a cult gets no mention or that a detail concerning it remains unreported in no way signifies that it may lack any economic or financial immportance ... Thus it becomes a matter of a snapshot made at a given point-in-time on the basis of information which the Commission could take into consideration.]}}</ref>

The groups examined included:<ref name="france1999" /><ref name="fr99annex" />
De onderzochte groepen omvatten:<ref name="france1999" /><ref name="fr99annex" />

* Anthroposophie ([[Anthroposophy]])
* Anthroposophie ([[Antroposofie]])
* Au Cœur de la Communication (At the Heart of Communication)
* Au Cœur de la Communication (At the Heart of Communication)
* Contre-réforme catholique ([[League for Catholic Counter-Reformation]])
* Contre-réforme catholique ([[League for Catholic Counter-Reformation]])

Versie van 7 apr 2014 13:28

Het gebruik van de term sekte (of in het Engels ook cult) voor religieuze bewegingen in overheidsdocumenten komt over het algemeen overeen met het alledaagse en negatieve gebruik van het woord sekte.[1][2] Verslagen van de overheid of door de overheid aangestelde commissies waarin de woorden sekte of cult werden gebruikt, kwamen voor in België,[3] Duitsland,[4] Canada,[5] Frankrijk,[6] Oostenrijk[7] en de Verenigde Staten.[8] Hoewel deze documenten gelijkaardige bewoordingen gebruiken, bevatten ze niet noodzakelijk dezelfde groepen, noch zijn er vaststaande criteria om een groep al dan niet in de lijst op te nemen.[1][2] Ook andere regeringen deden onderzoek naar [nieuwe] religieuze bewegingen, maar gebruikten de termen sekte of cult.[1]


In Australië verwees het Parlement van South Wales op 24 november 1992 naar Kenja Communication as cult.[9]


Parlementaire Onderzoekscommissie (1997)

De juridische commissie van de Belgische Kamer van Volksvertegenwoordigers benoemde een parlementaire onderzoekscommissie om een beleid in verband met sekten uit te stippelen. Op 28 april 1997 presenteerde de onderzoekscommissie een 670 bladzijden tellend verslag[3] dat een lijst bevatte van 189 groepen en bewegingen, en vermeldde dat "[t]he fact that a movement is listed here, even if at the instigation of an official instance, does not signify that the Commission regards it as a cult". Het parlement aanvaardde niet het hele verslag, en stemde ervoor om enkel de conclusies en aanbevelingen van de onderzoekscommissie aan te nemen (19 bladzijden), maar niet de lijst. Hoewel niet de hele lijst aangenomen werd, publiceerde de commissie het hele verslag.[10] Volgens Human Rights Without Frontiers International werd de Belgische Kamer van Volksvertegenwoordigers in 2005 veroordeeld voor het schade toebrengen aan het imago van een organisatie (Universal Church of God’s Kingdom), die voorkwam in de lijst van de parlementaire onderzoekscommissie uit 1997.[11]

De lijst van bewegingen en groepen zoals deze in het document van de onderzoekscommissie uit België voorkwam: Sjabloon:Multicol

  • 1. Aba Vangh
  • 2. Abrasax (Institut)
  • 3. Action Évangelique de Pentecôte (AEP) [Evangelical Action of Pentecost]
  • 4. Adventistes du 7e Jour [Seventh-day Adventists]
  • 5. Amish
  • 6. Ananda Marga
  • 7. Ange Albert (Glaube und Hoffnung) [Angel Albert (Belief and Hope)]
  • 8. Anthroposophie (Société Anthroposophique en Belgique) [Anthroposophy (Anthroposophical Society in Belgium)]
  • 9. Antoinisme (culte antoiniste)
  • 10. Aoum [Aum Shinrikyo]
  • 11. Assemblée Viens et Vois [Come and See Assembly]
  • 12. Assemblées de Dieu [Assemblies of God]
  • 13. Association Centre Saint-Michel A.S.B.L. [Saint Michael Centre Association (asbl)]
  • 14. Association (du Saint-Esprit) pour l'Unification du Christianisme mondial (Moon) [The Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity (Sun Myung Moon)]
  • 15. Association Égoïque [Ego Association]
  • 16. Association Internationale pour la Conscience de Krishna (AICK ou ISKCON) [International Society for Krishna Consciousness or ISKCON)]
  • 17. Association Maître Supreme Ching Hai [Association of the Supreme Master Ching Hai]
  • 18. Atlantide ou Ambassade de la Paix [Atlantid or Embassy of Peace]
  • 19. Au Cœur de la Communication (ACC) [At the Heart of Communication]
  • 20. Auram
  • 21. Axe Holistique [Holistic Axis]
  • 22. Baha'ie (La Foi Mondiale) [Bahá'í (the World Faith)]
  • 23. Ban Thai Laos
  • 24. Bhagwan (ou mouvement Neo Samyas) [Bhagwan (or Neo Samyas movement)]
  • 25. Brahma Kumaris
  • 26. Broeder Gregorius [Brother Gregory]
  • 27. Caillou (La communauté du) ou les «Jeudis du Caillou» ou «La Communauté de la Cité»
  • 28. Calvary Christian Center
  • 29. Capital Worship Center
  • 30. Église céleste du Christ ou Église du Christianisme céleste [Celestial Church of Christ]
  • 31. Centre Paradigme [Paradigm Center]
  • 32. Centrum «De Reiziger» ["De Reiziger" Center]
  • 33. Chevaliers du Lotus d'Or (Mandarom) (Association du Vajra triomphant) [Knights of the Golden Lotus (Mandarom) (Triumphant Vajra Association)]
  • 34. Christian Church
  • 35. Church Universal and Triumphant
  • 36. Clier A.S.B.L. [Clier asbl]
  • 37. Compagnie Chevaleresque de Saint-Michel [Knightly Association of Saint Michael]
  • 38. Contre-Reforme Catholique (ligue de) [The League for Catholic Counter-Reformation (CRC)]
  • 39. CORAEN (Centrum voor de Opsporing, Registratie en Analyse van Elfennesten)
  • Cor Unum (see Ordre du Divin Sacré Coeur)
  • 40. Coven Thot [Thot Coven]
  • 41. Cristal A.S.B.L.[Crystal asbl]
  • 42. De Ark [The Ark]
  • 43. De Geestelijke Kracht [Spiritual Power]
  • 44. De Groep (un psychologue) [The group (a psychologist)]
  • 45. Deva-Light
  • 46. Dynarsis Institute
  • 47. EBS – De Werter Loge
  • 48. ECK (Energo-Chromo-Kinese) ou Énergo 8 internationale [ECK (Energo-chromo-kinetics) or Energo 8 International]
  • 49. École de Philosophie [School of Philosophy]
  • 50. Ecoovie
  • 51. Église Catholique Apostolique Gallicane Traditionnelle [Traditional Gallican Apostolic Catholic Church]
  • 52. Église de Jésus-Christ des Saints des Derniers Jours (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or Mormons)
  • 53. Église de la Pentecôte Bethel [Church of the Bethel Pentecost]
  • 54. Église de Scientologie [Church of Scientology
  • 55. Église du Christ de Bruxelles (dépendant de l'Eglise du Christ de Boston) [Brussels Church of Christ (subsidiary of the Boston Church of Christ ]
  • 56. Église Évangélique Libre [Free Evangelical Church]
  • 57. Église Gnostique Lucifer Christ [Lucifer Christ Gnostic Church]
  • 58. Église Internationale du Christ [International Churches of Christ]
  • 59. Église Jésus-Christ de Vérité [Jesus Christ Church of Truth]
  • 60. Église Néoapostolique [New Apostolic Church]
  • 61. Église Universelle de Dieu (Eglise Mondiale du Christ) [Universal Church of God (Worldwide Church of Christ)]
  • 62. Église Universelle du Royaume de Dieu [Universal Church of the Kingdom of God]
  • 63. Élégance Continentale [Continental Elegance]
  • 64. Elewout Centrum [Elewout Center]
  • 65. Emin Foundation (originally "Church of Eminent Way")
  • 66. Énergie Humaine et Universelle (HUE): Institut Européen de Recherche de l'Énergie Humaine et Universelle IEREHU) [Human and Universal Energy (HUE): European Research Institute for Human and Universal Energy IEREHU]
  • 67. Evangelische Christenen [Evangelical Christians]
  • 68. Éveil de la Conscience [Waking of the Conscience]
  • 69. Ex Deo Nascimur [From God we are born]
  • 70. Fédération et Union Spirites Belges [Belgian Spirits Federation and Union]
  • 71. Fellowship Friends Renaissance
  • 72. Filiation Solazaref
  • 73. Fraternité Blanche Universelle (FBU) [ Universal White Brotherhood; compare Great White Brotherhood ]
  • 74. Friends Of Edo (F of E)
  • 75. Gemeente van Christus [Parish of Christ]
  • 76. God's River Ministries
  • 77. Groep ter Verering van de Wenende Madonna van Bohan [Group for Honoring the Weeping Madonna of Bohan]
  • 78. Groupe de Recherche et de Fondation en Analyse Existentielle [Research and Training Group in Existential Analysis]
  • 79. Het Gereformeerde Evangelisatie Centrum Essen [The Essen Reformed Evangelization Center]
  • 80. Het Werk (L'Oeuvre) [The Work]
  • 81. Het Zwarte Licht [The Black Light]
  • 82. Horus
  • 83. Humana
  • 84. I Am
  • 85. Iatrosophie [Iatrosophy]
  • 86. INDIP (Institut de développement et d'intégration de la personne) (centre primal) [INDIP (Institute for the Development and Integration of the personality) (primary centre)]
  • 87. Insight Benelux (intermédiaire de Insight Educational Institute, en Californie) [Insight Benelux (associated with Insight Educational Institute, in California)]
  • 88. Institut Gnostique d'Anthropologie (IGA) [Gnostic Institute of Anthropology (IGA)]
  • 89. Institut Gurdjieff [The Gurdjieff Foundation]
  • 90. Institut Yeuntenling A.S.B.L./Tibetaans Instituut V.Z.W. (Karma Sonam Gyamtso Ling)


  • 91. Ishtar
  • 92. IVI (Invitation à la vie intense) [IVI (Invitation to Intense Life)]
  • 93. Jain Association
  • 94. Jiddu Krisna Murti
  • 95. Kapel van het Allerheiligste Sacrament [Chapel of the Most Holy Sacrament]
  • 96. Katalys A.S.B.L. [Katalys asbl]
  • 97. Kreative Energie [Creative Energy]
  • 98. Kripalu Yoga
  • 99. La Famille ou Association des communautés missionnaires chrétiennes indépendantes [ The Family or Association of Independent Christian Missionary Communities]
  • 100. La Licorne de Jade [The Jade Unicorn]
  • 101. La Lunaire [The Lunary]
  • 102. La Paideutique
  • 103. La Parole de Jésus [The Word of Jesus]
  • 104. La Ramonette
  • 105. La Voie de la Lumière [The Way of Light]
  • 106. Landmark Education
  • 107. Le Hêtre
  • 108. Le Mantra d'Hasom [The Mantra of Hasom]
  • 109. Le Patriarche [The Patriarch]
  • 110. Le Rassemblement Europeen Ouvriers du Christ [The Workers of Christ European Rally]
  • 111. Les Adorateurs du Nombril du Soleil [Worshippers of the Navel of the Sun]
  • 112. Les Alchimistes [The Alchemists]
  • 113. Les Amis de l'Homme (à l'origine «L'Ange de l'Eternel») [The Friends of Man (originally "The Angel of the Eternal")]
  • 114. Les Assemblées des Frères Darbystes
  • 115. Les Croix de la Nouvelle Babylone [The Crosses of the New Babylon]
  • 116. Les Matsya A.S.B.L.
  • 117. Loge Noire [Black Lodge]
  • 118. Longo-Mai
  • 119. Maitreya (BAHA)
  • 120. Meditation Transcendentale [Transcendental Meditation]
  • 121. Messias Concern [Messiah Concern]
  • 122. Miroir Solaire [Mirror of the Sun]
  • 123. Mission d'Arès [Ares Mission]
  • 124. Mouvement du Graal [Grail Movement]
  • 125. Mouvement Humaniste (Le Mouvement) [Humanist Movement (The Movement)]
  • 126. Mouvement Raëlien Belge [Belgian Raelian Movement]
  • 127. Nació dos Muchachos [Nation of Guys]
  • 128. Noire Eau [Black Water]
  • 129. Nouvelle Acropole [New Acropolis]
  • 130. Oasis of Mellie Uyldertstichting [Oasis of Mellie Uyldert Foundation]
  • 131. Ogyen Kunzang Chöling (OKC)
  • 132. Opstal
  • 133. Opus Dei
  • 134. Ordre de la Pleine Lune [Order of the Full Moon]
  • 135. Ordre de la Rose-Croix [ Order of the Rose Cross ]
  • 136. Ordre des Chevaliers du Temple, du Christ et de Notre-Dame (OCTCND) ou Fraternité Johannite pour la résurgence templière [Order of Knights of the Temple, of Christ and of Our Lady (OCTCND) or Johannite Fraternity for Templar Renewal]
  • 137. Ordre du Divin Sacré Cœur (Cor Unum) [Order of the Divine Sacred Heart (Cor Unum)]
  • 138. Ordre du Temple Solaire [Order of the Solar Temple]
  • 139. Ordre Vert Druidique et de la Fraternité du Soleil Celtique [Druidic Green Order and Order of the Fraternity of the Celtic Sun]
  • 140. OSMTH/OSMTJ (Ordre Souverain et Militaire du Temple de Jérusalem) [OSMTH/SMOTJ: Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem]
  • 141. Paramahansa Yogananda
  • 142. Payot Marie Blanche
  • 143. Pere Samuel [Father Samuel]
  • 144. Pluk De Dag (Centrum der Duizend Zonnen) [Seize the Day (Centre of the Twelve Suns)]
  • 145. Power
  • 146. Quadratoquintillia
  • 147. Religieus Genootschap der Vrienden Quakers [Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)]
  • 148. Renouveau Charismatique [Charismatic Renewal]
  • 149. Sahaja Yoga
  • 150. Satansekte [Satan cults]
  • 151. Sathya Sai Baba
  • 152. Savoir pour Être [Know in order to Be]
  • 153. Selfrealisation Fellowship [ Self-Realization Fellowship ]
  • 154. Servanta
  • 155. Shin Boedhisme (Jodo Shinso) [Shin Buddhism Jodo Shinshu)]
  • 156. Shri Ram Chandra Mission
  • 157. Siddha Shiva Yoga [Siddha Yoga]
  • 158. Sierra 21
  • 159. Sint Egidiusgemeenschap [Community of Sant'Egidio | The Community of Saint Giles]
  • 160. Soefi Beweging [ Sufi movement ]
  • 161. Soka Gakkai
  • 162. Ster van David (Huis Maria van Bethlehem) [Star of David (Mary of Bethlehem House)]
  • 163. Stromen van Kracht [Streams of Power]
  • 164. Sûkyô Mahikari
  • 165. Summit Light House
  • 166. Sunnatarem Belgium Natural Dubdist Meditation Center
  • 167. Szatmar
  • 168. T'ai chi
  • 169. Tao Yoga
  • 170. Teblig
  • 171. Témoins de Jehovah [ Jehovah's Witnesses ]
  • 172. Terre d'Enneille
  • 173. The Elijah Muhammad Foundation
  • 174. Theosofie V.Z.W. (Geüniëerde loge van Theosofen) [ Theosophy non-profit organization (United Lodge of Theosophists)]
  • 175. Theravada
  • 176. Trans-Mutations
  • 177. Trois Saints Cœurs [The Three Holy Hearts]
  • 178. Vahali (I Am)
  • 179. Thérapeute Yvo Van Orshoven (A.S.B.L. Esse) [The therapist Yvo Van Orshoven (Esse non-profit organisation)]
  • 180. Verbond van Vlaamse Pinkstergemeenten [Union of Flemish Pentecostal Churches]
  • 181. Vibration Cœur [Vibrating Heart]
  • 182. Vrij Evangelische Kerkgemeente [Free Evangelical Church Community]
  • 183. Wat Asokaran [Wat Asokaram]
  • 184. World Federation For Spiritual Healing
  • 185. Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA)
  • 186. YSS [ Yogoda Satsanga Society of India ]
  • 187. Zen
  • 188. Zida Yoga
  • 189. Zwarte Madonna - Satanskerk [Black Madonna - Church of Satan]



Een verslag van de Canadian Security Intelligence Service uit 1999 behandelde „Doomsday Religious Movements espousing hostile beliefs and having the potential to be violent...” (Doemsdag-religieuze bewegingen met vijandige geloofspunten en met potentieel tot gewelddadigheid. Groepen die in Canada als Doomsday Relgious Movements werden behandeld, waren:

In 2005 nam de Hate Crimes Unit van de politie van Edmonton anti-Falun Gong-materiaal in beslag dat verspreid werd op de jaarlijkse conferentie van de American Family Foundation door medewerkers van het Chinees Consulaat van Calvary (Provincie Alberta, Canada). Het materiaal, waarin Falun Gong een cult werd genoemd, werd beschouwd als een inbreuk op de wetgeving (Criminal Code) waarin het opzettelijk bevorderen van haat tegen identificeerbare religieuze groepen wordt verboden.[12]


Het Algemeen Bureau van het Ministerie van Openbare Veiligheid van de Volksrepubliek China houdt een lijst bij van wat het Bureau beschouwt als ’schadelijke sekten’. De titel luidt: Information Regarding the Organizations Already Identified as Cults (Informatie omtrent de organisaties die reeds als sekten werden geïdentificeerd). Onder de groepen is het op het christendom gebaseerde Eastern Lightning.[13] De volgelingen van Watchman Nee (the Shouters) zouden in 1983 als eersten op de lijst zijn geplaatst.[14] Andere groepen op christelijke basis in deze lijst zijn: The Shouters 2 (Chinese Shouters), Established King, de Heer God-’sekte’ (Lord God Sect), de Lingling-’sekte’, de All Scope Church, de Zuid-China Kerk (South China Church), de Discipelen (Disciples Sect), de Drie Graden van Dienst (Three Ranks of Service), de Koud Water-’sekte’ (Cold Water Sect), the Commune Sect, de Nieuw Testament Kerk (New Testament Church), de Opstandings-’sekte’ Resurrection Sect, de Dami Evangelism Association, en de World Elijah Evangelism Association.[15] In 2001, Falun Gong was added to the list.[16]


Verslag van de Berlijnse senaat (1997)

In een officieel verslag van een commissie van de Senaat van de stad en deelstaat Berlijn, werden Sekten opgesomd en besproken. Door de ondertitel werden ze gecategoriseerd als groepen die een levensbeschouwing aannemen en nieuwe religies. Het verslag van de Berlijnse Senaat uit 1997, met de titel „Sekten“: Risiken und Nebenwirkungen: Informationen zu ausgewählten neuen religiösen und weltanschaulichen Bewegungen und Psychoangeboten. („Sekten”: risico’s en bijwerkingen: informatie over geselecteerde religieuze en levensbeschouwelijke bewegingen en psycho-aanbiedingen)[4] — bevatte volgende geselecteerde aanbieders:



  • 7.4 Suppliers of Life-Help (Anbieter von Lebenshilfe)
    • commercieel: (kommerziell:)
    • 7.4.1 Bruno Gröning-Vriendenkring (Bruno Gröning-Freundeskreise)
    • 7.4.2 Context Seminar Company Limited (Kontext Seminar GmbH)
    • 7.4.3 Landmark Education (LE) (Landmark Education (LE))
    • 7.4.4 Art Reade
    • 7.4.5 Scientology
    • 7.4.6 The Natale Institute (TNI)
    • niet-commercieel: (nicht kommerziell:)
    • 7.4.7 Verein zur Förderung der psychologischen Menschenkenntnis (VPM)
  • 7.5 Occultisme/Satanisme (Okkultismus/Satanismus)
  • 7.6 Zogenaamde Multi-level Marketers (Sogenannte Strukturvertriebe)




In 1995, a parliamentary commission of the National Assembly of France on cults produced its report[6] (in French: compare an unofficial English translation). The report included a list of purported cults compiled by the general information division of the French National Police (Renseignements généraux — a French police service) in association with cult-watching groups.

In May 2005 the then Prime Minister of France, in a circulaire,[17] which stressed that the government must exercise vigilance concerning the cult phenomenon,[17] said that the list of movements attached to the Parliamentary Report of 1995 had become less pertinent, based on the observation that many small groups had formed: scattered, more mobile, and less-easily identifiable,[17] and that the government needed to balance its concern with cults with respect for public freedoms and laïcité (secularism).[17] Subsequent French parliamentary commissions on cults reported on specific aspects of cult activity in 1999[18] and in 2006.[19]

Verslag van de Franse parlementaire commissie (1995)

De opinie is in Frankrijk verdeeld over het verslag van de parlementaire commissie uit 1995. Een provincierechtbank stelde dat al deze parlementaire geen juridische uitwerking hebben.[20] And as stated above, a Prime Ministerial circulaire warned that name-changes had reduced the usefulness of this particular Parliamentary report.[17]



Verslag van de Franse parlementaire onderzoekscommissie (1999)

The French Parliamentary report of 1999 on cults and money[22] concentrated its attention on some 30 groups which it judged as major players in respect of their financial influence.[23] It underlined the non-exhaustive character of its investigations, seeing them as a snapshot at a point in time and based on informatiion available.[24]

De onderzochte groepen omvatten:[22][23]


Beginning in 2011, the United States Department of State's International Religious Freedom Report, as released by the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor no longer distinguishes sects in Austria as a separate group. Rather, religious groups are divided into three legal categories: officially recognized religious societies, religious confessional communities, and associations.[25] In the most recent year for which sects were officially recognized in Austria, the groups included the Church of Scientology, the Unification Church, the Divine Light Mission, Eckankar, Hare Krishna, Osho movement, Sahaja Yoga, Sai Baba, Sri Chinmoy, Transcendental Meditation, Fiat Lux, Universal Life, and The Family.[26]


In 2008 the Russian Interior Ministry prepared a list of "extremist groups." At the top of the list were Islamic groups outside of "traditional Islam," which is supervised by the Russian government. Next listed were "Pagan cults".[27] In 2009 the Russian Ministry of Justice created a council which it named "Council of Experts Conducting State Religious Studies Expert Analysis." The new council listed 80 large sects which it considered potentially dangerous to Russian society, and mentioned that there were thousands of smaller ones. Large sects listed included: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Jehovah's Witnesses, and what were called "neo-Pentecostals." [28]

Verenigde Staten

Committee on Government Reform (August 1999)

Suspect Organizations and Individuals Possessing Long-Range Fifty Caliber Sniper Weapons

A report to the United States House of Representatives, Section VI is entitled "Montana Doomsday Religious Cult - "Church Universal and Triumphant".

Project Megiddo (October 1999)


Project Megiddo consisted of an FBI analysis, with a report released on October 20, 1999.[30] The report warned against: "the potential for extremist criminal activity in the United States by individuals or domestic groups who attach special significance to the year 2000."[30] Its analysis focused on apocalyptic religious groups, doomsday cults and (New World Order) conspiracy theories.

The report discussed the potential for violence in groups that it called "biblically-driven cults"[31] The report warned that "less time spent on Bible study and more time spent on physical training - indicate that the cult may be preparing for some type of action."[30] Groups singled out and analyzed in the report under the heading "Apocalyptic Cults" included the Branch Davidians, the Concerned Christians, and Law Revue.[30] The International Asatru-Odinic Alliance accused the FBI of violating its First Amendment rights to freedom of religion, free speech, and peaceful assembly. The reason given for this accusation was the propagation of "numerous false statements and innuendos" about Odinism in the Project Megiddo report.[32]

Assessing the Threat (December 1999)

On December 15, 1999 the Advisory Panel to Assess Domestic Response Capabilities for Terrorism Involving Weapons of Mass Destruction presented a report called Assessing the Threat to the President of the United States and to the United States Congress. The report discusses the 1984 contamination of salad bars in Oregon by the Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh group, and the Aum Shinrikyo Sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway of 1995. Both groups are referred to as cults in the report.[8]



The criteria chosen by the French Renseignements généraux to establish the potential dangers of a movement were criticized since they were considered vague and may include many organizations, religious or not. One of the first criticisms came from bishop Jean Vernette, the national secretary of the French episcopate to the study of cults and new religious movements, who stressed that these criteria can be applied to almost all religions. Moreover, sociologists such as Bruno Étienne emphasized that the mental manipulation should not be defined by the policemen of the Renseignements généraux.[33] The list of cults was based on the criteria defined by the Renseignements généraux, but without specifying which of their practices are specifically criticized. In addition, the secrecy of the work made by the RG led to questions about the presence or absence of certain organizations in the list. Étienne questioned the presence of the CEDIPAC SA company, formerly known as European Grouping of Marketing Professionals (GEPM), as its activity is not in the religious field.[34] The absence of Opus Dei or the Freemasons also raised questions.[35][36] In 2007, Yves Bertrand, General Director of the Renseignements généraux from 1992 to 2003, spoke about his collaborative work with the parliamentary reports on cults, and said: "Alongside genuine and dangerous cults practicing removal of school, abuse of weakness or pedophilia, some groups have been a bit quickly dress up of the word cult".[37] Furthermore, on 27 May 2005, the 1995 list of cults of the French report was officially cancelled and invalidated by Jean-Pierre Raffarin's circulaire.[38]

In France, Antoinism was classified as a cult in the 1995 parliamentary reports which considered it one of the oldest healer groups.[39] However, in a 1984 letter, the French Minister of the Interior wrote that the movement was considered, from an administrative point of view, as having for exclusive purpose the exercise of a religion, thus complying with the 18th and 19th Articles of the 1905 French law on the Separation of the Churches and the State. He added that antoinism had always been allowed to receive bequests or donations, which meant that its religious nature was never challenged.[40] In addition, many anti-cults activists, associations or watchers said they had not noticed cultic deviances in this group. For example, when heard by the Belgian commission on cults, philosopher Luc Nefontaine said that "the establishment of a directory of cult movements (...) seems to him dangerous, because it would also give a bad image of quite honourable organizations such as (...) Antoinism".[41] Eric Brasseur, director of Centre for information and advice on harmful cultish organizations (Centre d'information et d'avis sur les organisations sectaires nuisibles, or CIAOSN) said: "This is a Belgian worship for which we have never had a complaint in 12 years, a rare case to report".[42] Similarly, in 2013, the Interministerial Mission for Monitoring and Combatting Cultic Deviances (Mission interministérielle de vigilance et de lutte contre les dérives sectaires, or MIVILUDES) made this comment: "We have never received reporting from Antoinists. They heal through prayer, but as long as they do not prevent people from getting proper treatment by legal means..." In addition, the Renseignements généraux stopped monitoring the religion given the absence of any problem.[43] In 2002, the national service "Pastoral, sects and new beliefs" ("Pastorale, sectes et nouvelles croyances"), which analyses new religious movements from a catholic point of view, wrote about Antoinism: "Although listed among the cults in the 1995 Parliamentary Report, it has no cultish feature."[44] Similarly, the French sociologist Régis Dericquebourg, who deeply studied the religion, concluded that Antoinism is not a cult: it "has no totalitarian influence on its members, and do not dictate their behaviour to get in the world; it is not exclusive [and] shows no hostility towards social systems".[45]

In France, the 1995 parliamentary report listed the Shri Ram Chandra Mission. This has been criticized by lawyer Lawrence Hincker, who said that "this system of meditation, called Sahaj Marg, does not lead to a life away from the world. It integrates all aspects of man, whether physical, mental or spiritual, without charge or austerity or penance or self-negation".[46] According to the sociologist Bruno Étienne, an expert on religious issues, the SRCM publishes books as any other group but does not proselytize, and has never been convicted: "To us, it is fully a NMR (new religious movement), modern religious group, although based on an ancient tradition, and subject to serious arguments advanced by others more knowledgeable, we do not understand why it is criticized on the list of the damned".[47] Raphaël Liogier, Director of the Observatory of religious and university professor at the Institut d'Études Politiques in Aix-en-Provence, said he did not understand the inclusion on the cult list of an association that is fully recognized in India.[48]

Zie ook



Further reading

Sjabloon:New Religious Movements, Cults, and Sects