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Dit is geregeld in Artikel 15b Auteurswet 1912. - Meer informatie
This image is in the public domain in the copyright law Netherlands and the former East Indies Dutch East Indies and New Guinea Netherlands New Guinea. In principle all works communicated to the public by or on behalf of the public authorities (government) are not copyright protected in the Netherlands, unless the copyright has been reserved explicitly, either in a general manner by law, decree or ordinance, or in a specific case by a notice on the work itself or at the communication to the public. Also entities like the Silicose Oud-mijnwerkers foundation (AbRS 30 November 1995, JB 1995/337) can be regarded as public authorities.
This is regulated in Article 15b of the Copyright Act of 1912.
This is regulated in Article 15b of the Copyright Act of 1912.