Wikisage, de vrije encyclopedie van de tweede generatie en digitaal erfgoed, wenst u prettige feestdagen en een gelukkig 2025
Wikisage is op 1 na de grootste internet-encyclopedie in het Nederlands. Iedereen kan de hier verzamelde kennis gratis gebruiken, zonder storende advertenties. De Koninklijke Bibliotheek van Nederland heeft Wikisage in 2018 aangemerkt als digitaal erfgoed.
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{{tlx|tlx|template|first parameter|second|third|fourth|fifth|sixth|seventh|eight|ninth}} → {{tlx|template|first parameter|second|third|fourth|fifth|sixth|seventh|eight|ninth}}
- Purpose
- Mnemonically 'Template list expanded'... after {{tlx|tl}} 'Template list' {{I2}}This template takes another template-name and some associated pipe-tricked parameters, and aggregates them into an 'example demonstration' of how the template-name template might be used. If given no additional parameters, it presents the same as the similar (lt) template-- a blue link nested in squiggley-braces-- the same as a user would apply the template without parameters.
Up to five parameters for the specified template are displayed as placeholders, more parameters are shown as "|...", for details see the talk page.