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Voor fotos The "little helper" is called Help:Gadget-Cat-a-lot, see Help:Gadget-Cat-a-lot. Unfortunately the is no Dutch translation of the description (yet). I could try to help you, if necessary. And, please, sign your contributions on discussion pages, see Commons:Signatures (unfortunately no Dutch translation, either). --Telford (Overleg) 08:15, 4 October 2021 (UTC)
I just saw the categories you added to File:7701_hoogkerk-bangeweer-hoendiep-suikerunieterrein.jpg etc. Obviously you do not know HotCat, which I should have mentioned first. HotCat works on one file, and you can add/change several categories; Cat-a-lot works on many files, and you can add/change only one category at a time. Moreover you should observe:
- Categories are not like tags which you can attach as you like, but they should exist (no red links, please!) Help:Gadget-Cat-a-lot
- The spelling of links is ""
- Titles of categories are normally in English, so Category:Parken van Groningen exists as Category:Parks in Groningen (city)
If you use HotCat and Help:Gadget-Cat-a-lot, this will probably help you to avoid these mistakes.
Category:Suikerunieterrein does not yet exist. I categorized the respective pictures unter "Nature of Groningen (city)" and "Hoogkerk". Of course you could create a category "Suikerunieterrein" as a subcategory of both "Nature of Groningen (city)" and "Hoogkerk"; in this case the pictures should be in the most appropriate category only and be removed from the parent categories. But: is "Suikerunieterrein" really the official name of that area or only a description you invented? In the latter case I would prefer not to create such a catego Help:Gadget-Cat-a-lot "[[Category:...]]" HotCat