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The Grannies
The Grannies is a band formed by ladies of a certain age and consisting of Dutch guitarists Olga Franssen, Edith Leerkes and Dutch flutist Jeannette Landré. They released their first project called 'Lullabies' in april 2021: a cd nestled in a little book. They recorded lullabies from all over the world to sing the praises of being a grandmother. The book is richly illustrated with old and new paintings from women and children.
Herman van Veen about Lullabies: “I like to listen to them as an aperitif to my afternoon nap. As a thank you, I gave these lullabies five little clouds.”
Lullabies is released on the Harlekijn Holland label and was arranged and produced by Edith Leerkes. This label was established in 1966 and has brought forth works of Ton Koopman, Reinbert de Leeuw and Herman van Veen, among others.