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Warning: The subject of this image is believed to be protected by copyright.
It is believed that the taking, uploading and reuse of this derivative work is permitted under the copyright law of the country in which the photograph was taken, possibly with some restrictions, because the subject was permanently located in a public place. In Germany, this exception is known as Panoramafreiheit; many other countries have similar exceptions which are referred to on Commons by the generic term "freedom of panorama".
Freedom of panorama does not apply in all countries, and often applies only to photographs of buildings that are permanently located in a public place. In some countries the freedom may apply more broadly. It may or may not extend to sculptures and/or to subjects that are not in a "public place" but are in a "place to which the public has access". The allowed usage of this picture, if any, depends upon the laws of the country of creation, and may also depend on the laws of the country in which the derived image is to be used. See Commons:Freedom of panorama for a country by country list.
Before reusing this content, ensure that you have the right to do so. You are solely responsible for ensuring that you do not infringe someone else's copyrights. See our general disclaimer for more information.
If you have added this template to an image description page, remember that in most cases it should be accompanied by an acknowledgement of source.
- Acknowledgment of source
The copyright law usually obliges the photographer to give credits of his photograph. That usually means that he must provide a description of the depicted objects and its authors. However, he can be exempted from the obligation when the authorship is difficult to deduce. For instance, German copyright law says in §62 that the photographer needs not provide the credits if they are not clearly present on the object that is depicted.
- º P. Ceysens; G. Smaers, V. Van Quickenborne, L. Dierick, P. Dedecker. Parlementair Document 54K1484 - Wetsontwerp tot wijziging van het Wetboek van economisch recht met het oog op de invoering van de panoramavrijheid. De Belgische Kamer van Volksvertegenwoordigers (2015-11-26) Geraadpleegd op 2016-06-18
- º Een selfie aan het Atomium? Het kan voortaan legaal. VRT Nieuws (2016-06-16) Geraadpleegd op 2016-06-18
- º 27 JUNI 2016. - Wet tot wijziging van het Wetboek van economisch recht met het oog op de invoering van de panoramavrijheid (1). Belgisch Staatsblad (2016-07-05) Geraadpleegd op 2016-07-16