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One less reason

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Versie door O (overleg | bijdragen) op 16 mrt 2022 om 15:21 ( 8 aug 2008)
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One Less Reason is een Amerikaanse alternatieve rockband, een 4-koppige rockgroep afkomstig uit Jackson, Tennessee.

== De bezetting == * Kevin Scott - Drum * Jeremy Jones - Elektrische gitaar * Jerome Hubble - Basgitaar / achtergrondzang * Cris Brown - Zang / Gitaar == Biografie == One Less Reason groeide voort uit het groepje "Lappdog", dat in 1998 werd opgericht door Cris Brown en Jerome Hubble. Biography == == One Less Reason grew from the group "Lappdog", which was founded in 1998 by Cris Brown and Jerome Hubble. Er was ook een drummer aanwezig. There was also a drummer. Maar bij de opname van hun eerste cd wilden ze echter ook iemand vinden die meer ervaring had met drumstokken. But in the recording of their first CD they also wanted to find someone who had more experience with drumstokken. Zo kwam Kevin Scott tijdelijk bij Lappdog. Thus came Kevin Scott temporarily in Lappdog. En nadat de oorspronkelijke drummer Lappdog had verlaten, nam Scott zijn plaats in. And after the original drummer Lappdog had left, Scott took his place. Ze bleven met drie groepsleden voor een periode van twee jaar. She remained with three group members for a period of two years. Dan kwam ook Jeremy Jones erbij. Then Jeremy Jones was also there. In 2002 veranderde Lappdog in One Less Reason. In 2002 changed Lappdog in One Less Reason. Die beslissing kwam er na een vergadering met de managers in Florida. That decision came after a meeting with the managers in Florida. Op dat moment speelde de groep pure rock. At that time the group played pure rock. Ze stopten hiermee en schreven meer melodische liederen, tot grote ergernis van heel wat fans. They stopped it and wrote more melodic songs, to the great annoyance of many fans. Deze omkering maakte het ook gemakkelijker om van naam te veranderen. This shift also made it easier for the name change. Datzelfde jaar trok One Less Reason de studio in met producer Rick Beato, waar ze 4 demo's mochten opnemen. That same year attracted One Less Reason in the studio with producer Rick Beato, where they were recording demos 4. Zo zouden ze radiostations en platenfirma's kunnen bereiken. For example, radio stations and record they can achieve. In 2003 ondertekende de groep een contract met Universal Records. In 2003 the group signed a contract with Universal Records. Al snel werd hun eerste single Favorite Color een echt succes: een week na de opnames stond de hit al op nummer drie in de Rocktop. It quickly became their first singleFavorite Colora real success: a week after the shooting was hit already at number three in the Rocktop. In 2004 had de groep echter een confict met Universal Records, en verbrak het contract. In 2004 the group had however a confict with Universal Records, and broke the contract. Sindsdien is de groep op zoek naar een andere platenfirma. Since then the group is looking for another record. De liederen van One Less Reason gaan hoofdzakelijk over liefde en vriendschap. The songs of One Less Reason are mainly about love and friendship. De groep schrijft z'n teksten zelf, teksten die een onderliggende boodschap van hoop dragen. The group writes its own texts, texts that an underlying message of hope. Ze vinden het belangrijk dat mensen voor elkaar klaar staan in het leven, dat ze elkaar een duwtje in de rug kunnen geven. They think it's important that people are ready for display in life, that they display a helping hand can give. Dit willen ze ook in hun liedteksten leggen. This also want them in their lyrics. Deze aspecten kunnen we volgens de groep ook terugvinden in hun nieuwste cd, Everyday Life. These aspects, according to the group, we can also retrieve their latest CD,Everyday Life. Ook deze cd belooft een schot in de roos te worden. Also this CD promises a shot in the bull's-eye on. One Less Reason vertelde dat de liederen gebaseerd zijn op hun leven en dat van anderen, op gebeurtenissen en ervaringen die we allemaal al meemaakten. One Less Reason told that the songs based on their life and that of others, to events and experiences that we all already meemaakten. Deze visie gaat hand in hand met hun motto: "One Less Reason to give up on your dreams. One Less Reason to give up on life. One Less Reason to be what someone else wants you to be. That's what it's all about." This vision goes hand in hand with their motto: "One Less Reason to give up on your dreams. One Less Reason to give up on life. One Less Reason to be what someone else wants you to be. That's what it's all about."

September 5th, 2006, the band also released a much desired new album in "Getting Back Your Self Esteem." The occupation == == * Kevin Scott - Drum * Jeremy Jones - electric guitar * Jerome Hubble - Basgitaar / backing * Cris Brown - Vocals / Guitar < span class =" google-src-text "style =" direction: ltr; text-align: left "> Biography == == One Less Reason grew continue from the group "Lappdog", which was founded in 1998 by Cris Brown and Jerome Hubble. </ span> Biography == == One Less Reason grew from the group "Lappdog", which was founded in 1998 by Cris Brown and Jerome Hubble. </ span> There was also a drummer. </ span> There was also a drummer. </ span> But in the recording of their first CD they also wanted to find someone who had more experience with drumstokken. </ span> But in the recording of their first CD they also wanted to find someone who had more experience with drumstokken. </ span> If Kevin Scott came temporarily to Lappdog. </ span> Thus came Kevin Scott temporarily in Lappdog. </ span> < span class = "google-src-text" style = "direction: ltr; text-align: left"> And after the original drummer Lappdog had left, Scott took his place. </ span> And after the original drummer Lappdog had left, Scott took his place. </ span> She remained with three group members for a period of two years. </ Span> She remained with three group members for a period of two years. </ Span> < span class = "google-src-text" style = "direction: ltr; text-align: left"> Then Jeremy Jones was also there. </ span> Then Jeremy Jones was also there. </ span> In 2002 changed Lappdog in One Less Reason. </ Span> In 2002 changed Lappdog in One Less Reason. </ Span> That decision came after a meeting with the managers in Florida .</ span> That decision came after a meeting with the managers in Florida .</ span> At that time the group played pure rock .</ span> At that time the group played pure rock .</ span> < span class =" google-src-text "style =" direction: ltr; text-align: left "> They stopped it and wrote more melodic songs, to great annoyance of many fans. </ span> They stopped it and wrote more melodic songs, to the great annoyance of many fans. </ span> This shift also made it easier for the name change. </ span> This shift also made it easier for the name change. </ span> That same year attracted One Less Reason in the studio with producer Rick Beato, where they were recording demos 4. </ Span> That same year attracted One Less Reason in the studio with producer Rick Beato, where they were recording demos 4. </ Span > example, radio stations and record them can be achieved. </ span> For example, radio stations and record they can achieve. </ span> In 2003 the group signed a contract with Universal Records .</ span> In 2003 the group signed a contract with Universal Records .</ span> It quickly became their first singleFavorite Colora real success: a week after the shooting was hit already at number three in the Rocktop. </ Span> It quickly became their first singleFavorite Color a real success: a week after the shooting had already hit at number three in the Rocktop. </ span> In 2004, the group is a confict with Universal Records, and broke the contract. </ span> In 2004 the group had however a confict with Universal Records , And broke the contract. </ Span> Since then the group is looking for another record. </ span> Since then the group is looking for another record. </ span> The songs of One Less Reason are mainly about love and friendship. </ span> The Songs of One Less Reason are mainly about love and friendship. </ span> The group writes its own texts, texts that an underlying message of hope. </ Span> The group writes its own texts, texts that an underlying message of hope. </ Span> < span class = "google-src-text" style = "direction: ltr; text-align: left"> They think it's important that people are ready for display in life, that they display a helping hand can give. </ span> They think it's important that people are ready for display in life, that they display a helping hand can give. </ span> < span class = "google-src-text" style = "direction: ltr; text-align: left"> This also want them in their lyrics. </ Span> This also want them in their lyrics. </ span> These aspects, according to the group, we can also retrieve their latest CD,Everyday Life.</ span> These aspects, according to the group, we can also retrieve their latest CD,Everyday Life. </ span> This CD promises a shot in the bull's-eye on. </ span> Also this CD promises a shot in the bull's-eye on. </ span> One Less Reason told that the songs based on their life and that of others, to events and experiences that we all already meemaakten. </ span> One Less Reason told that the songs based on their life and that of others, to events and experiences that we all already meemaakten. </ span> This vision goes hand in hand with their motto:" One Less Reason to give up on your dreams. One Less Reason to give up on life. One Less Reason to be what someone else wants you to be. That's what it's all about. "</ Span> This vision goes hand in hand with their motto:" One Less Reason to give up on your dreams. One Less Reason to give up on life. One Less Reason to be what someone else wants you to be. That's what it's all about. "</ span>

September 5th, 2006, the band also released a much desired new album in "Getting Back Your Self Estem." Another album which displayed a new side of One Less Reason called "A Lifetime Burning" was released January 4th, 2008. Another album, which displayed a new side of One Less Reason called "A Lifetime Burning" was released January 4th, 2008. In July of 2008, the Band recently went back to Rick Beato and have been recording 3 new songs with songs co-written and backup vocals by Brent Smith of Shinedown. In July of 2008, the Band recently went back to Rick Beato and have been recording songs with 3 new songs co-written and backup vocals by Brent Smith of Shinedown.

</ p>


  • Everyday Life (2004)
  • Getting back your self esteem (2006)

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