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Rudolf Laban

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Rudolf von Laban of Rudolf Laban (Hungarië: Rezső Lábán de Váraljas, Lábán Rezső, Lábán Rudolf) (15 December 1879 – 1 juli 1958) was een danser, een artiest en één van de belangrijkste pioniers van moderne dans in Europa. Zijn 'Laban Bewegingsanalyse-systeem' en zijn 'Labannotatie' zijn heel actuele en veel gebruikte instrumenten in dans, therapie, management, podiumkunsten en andere werkterreinen. Hij wordt beschouwd als één van de belangrijkste figuren in de geschiedenis van dans.

Werken en Publicaties

  • (Undated). Harmonie Lehre Der Bewegung (German). (Handwritten copy by Sylvia Bodmer of a book by Rudolf Laban) London: Laban Collection S. B. 48.
  • (1920). Die Welt des Taenzers [The world of Dancers] (German). Stuttgart: Walter Seifert. (3rd edition, 1926)
  • (1926). Choreographie: Erstes Heft (German). Jena: Eugen Diederichs.
  • (1926). Gymnastik und Tanz (German). Oldenburg: Stalling.
  • (1926). Des Kindes Gymnastik und Tanz (German). Oldenburg: Stalling.
  • (1928). Schriftanz: Methodik, Orthographie, Erlaeuterungen (German). Vienna: Universal Edition.
  • (1929). "Das Choreographische Institut Laban" in Monographien der Ausbildungen fuer Tanz und Taenzerische Koeperbildung (German). Edited by Liesel Freund. Berlin-Charlottenburg: L. Alterthum.
  • (1947). with F. C. Lawrence. Effort: Economy of Human Movement London: MacDonald and Evans. (4th reprint 1967)
  • (1948). Modern Educational Dance. London: MacDonald and Evans. (2nd Edition 1963, revised by Lisa Ullmann)
  • (1948). "President’s address at the annual general meeting of the Laban art of movement guild". Laban Art of Movement Guild News Sheet. 1 (April): 5-8.
  • (1950). The Mastery of Movement on the Stage. London: MacDonald and Evans.
  • (1951). "What has led you to study movement? Answered by R. Laban". Laban Art of Movement Guild News Sheet. 7 (Sept.): 8-11.
  • (1952). "The art of movement in the school". Laban Art of Movement Guild News Sheet. 8 (March): 10-16.
  • (1956). Laban’s Principles of Dance and Movement Notation. London: MacDonald and Evans. (2nd edition 1975, annotated and edited by Roderyk Lange)
  • (1960). The Mastery of Movement. (2nd Edition of The Mastery of Movement on the Stage), revised and enlarged by Lisa Ullmann. London: MacDonald and Evans. (3rd Edition, 1971. London: MacDonald and Evans) (1st American Edition, 1971. Boston: Plays) (4th Edition, 1980. Plymouth, UK: Northcote House)
  • (1966). Choreutics. Annotated and edited by Lisa Ullmann. London: MacDonald and Evans.
  • (1974). The Language of Movement; A Guide Book to Choreutics. Annotated and edited by Lisa Ullmann. Boston: Plays. (American publication of Choreutics)
  • (1975). A Life For Dance; Reminiscencs. Translated and annotated by Lisa Ullmann. London: MacDonald & Evans. (Original German published 1935.)
  • (1984). A Vision of Dynamic Space. Compiled by Lisa Ullmann. London: The Falmer Press.


  • Karina, Lillian & Kant, Marion, (2003) (Translator: Steinberg, Jonathan). "Hitler's Dancers: German Modern Dance and the Third Reich" (New York & Oxford: Berghahn Books, page viii
  • Rudolf Laban -extensive biography from Trinity-Laban School, London
  • Manning, Susan. "Reinterpreting Laban" a review of "Body-Space-Expression: The Development of Rudolf Laban's Movement and Dance Concepts" by Vera Maletic. Dance Chronicle, Vol. 11, No. 2 (1988), pp 315-320
  • Rudolf Laban, "Meister und Werk in der Tanzkunst," Deutsche Tanzzeitschrift, May 1936, quoted in Horst Koegler, "Vom Ausdruckstanz zum 'Bewegungschor' des deutschen Volkes: Rudolf von Laban," in Intellektuellen im Bann des National Sozialismus, ed. Karl Corino (Hamburg: Hoffmann & Campe, 1980), p. 176.
  • Karina, Lillian & Kant, Marion (Translator: Steinberg, Jonathan). "Hitler's Dancers: German Modern Dance and the Third Reich" (New York & Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2003)
  • Preston-Dunlop, Valerie. "Rudolf Laban An Extraordinary Life" (Dance Books 1998) (especially Chap 9 'The Nazification of Culture' and Chap 10' 'Survival'.
  • Kew, Carole. "From Weimar Movement Choir to Nazi Community Dance: The Rise and Fall of Rudolf Laban's "Festkultur"".Dance Research: The Journal of the Society for Dance Research, Vol. 17, No2 (1999): pages 73-96

Externe links

  • AgapeBelgium - School for Laban/Bartenieff Movement Studies - Belgium
  • Rudolf Laban - extensive biography from Trinity Laban site
  • Limsonline Laban/Bartenieff Institute of Movement Studies - LIMS NYC
  • About Laban Biographical information taken from A Movement Perspective of Rudolf Laban by Sam Thornton - website of LInC (Laban International Courses) in UK.
  • Short biographies of Laban and some leading Laban practitioners -website of Laban Project
  • Laban Ring -a community of webpages with Laban-related content
  • The Body in service of Drama - movement studies for actors and performers
  • Free scores by Rudolf von Laban at the International Music Score Library Project

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