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Ambrosetti Forum: verschil tussen versies

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Regel 13: Regel 13:
* [[Fatih Birol]] - Turkse econoom, Hoofdeconoom van het IEA. (International Energy Agency)
* [[Fatih Birol]] - Turkse econoom, Hoofdeconoom van het IEA. (International Energy Agency)
* [[Alberto Bombassei]] - Italiaans ondernemer en politicus.  
* [[Alberto Bombassei]] - Italiaans ondernemer en politicus.  
* [[Raffaele Bonanni]] - Italiaanse vakbondsvertegenwoordiger, secretaris-generaal van CISL, het overkoepelende Italiaanse vakbondsorgaan.
* [[Raffaele Bonanni]] - Italiaans vakbondsvertegenwoordiger, secretaris-generaal van CISL, het overkoepelende Italiaanse vakbondsorgaan.
* [[Renato Brunetta]] - Minister for Public Administration and Innovation, Italy
* [[Renato Brunetta]] - Italiaans econoom en politicus, voormalig minster.
* [[George W. Buckley]] - Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, 3M, USA
* [[George W. Buckley]] - Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, 3M, USA
* [[Cheng Siwei]] - Dean, Management School, Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Science, China; former Vice Chairman, Standing Committee, National People’s Congress, China
* [[Cheng Siwei]] - Dean, Management School, Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Science, China; former Vice Chairman, Standing Committee, National People’s Congress, China

Versie van 9 dec 2015 23:14

Villa d'Este en het park wat de villa omringt.

Het Ambrosetti Forum is een internationale, economische conferentie die jaarlijks in in september in Villa d'Este wordt gehouden. Villa d'Este is gesitueerd in het Italiaanse stadje Cernobbio aan ligt aan het Comomeer.

Het forum is opgericht in 1975, en wordt bezocht door staatshoofden, ministers, nobelprijswinnaars en andere personen die belangrijk zijn in het economische debat. De opzet van het forum is de Intelligentsia van de wereld samen te brengen met sprekers van het hoogste niveau uit de wereld van de politiek, de academische wereld, de overheid en het bedrijfsleven.


  • Angelino Alfano - Italiaans politicus, vicepremier en minister van binnenlandse zaken van Italië .
  • Joaquín Almunia - Spaanse politicus, tussen 2004 en 2014 was hij Europees commissaris.
  • José Maria Aznar - Spaans politicus, van 1996 tot 2004 premier van Spanje.
  • Michel Barnier - Franse politicus, van 1999 tot 2004 was hij Europees commissaris.
  • Maria Bartiromo - Amerikaase journalist, columniste en auteur.
  • Fatih Birol - Turkse econoom, Hoofdeconoom van het IEA. (International Energy Agency)
  • Alberto Bombassei - Italiaans ondernemer en politicus.
  • Raffaele Bonanni - Italiaans vakbondsvertegenwoordiger, secretaris-generaal van CISL, het overkoepelende Italiaanse vakbondsorgaan.
  • Renato Brunetta - Italiaans econoom en politicus, voormalig minster.
  • George W. Buckley - Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, 3M, USA
  • Cheng Siwei - Dean, Management School, Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Science, China; former Vice Chairman, Standing Committee, National People’s Congress, China
  • Piercamillo Davigo - Judge of the Italian Supreme Court of Cassation
  • Ferruccio De Bortoli - Editor in Chief, Il Corriere della Sera
  • Piero Fassino - Member of the Italian Parliament
  • Niall Ferguson - Professor of History, Harvard University
  • Mauro Ferrari - President and Chief Executive Officer, The Methodist Hospital Research Institute, Houston
  • Jean-Paul Fitoussi - President, Observatoire Français des Conjonctures Economiques
  • Mariastella Gelmini - Minister of Education, University and Research, Italy
  • Máire Geoghegan-Quinn - European Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science
  • Yasuchika Hasegawa - President and CEO, Takeda Pharmaceutical, Japan
  • Huang Jing - Visiting Professor, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore
  • Pietro Ichino - Member of the Senate, Italy
  • Harold Kroto - Nobel Laureate for Chemistry; Francis Eppes Professor of Chemistry, Florida State University
  • Christine Lagarde - Minister of Economy, Industry and Employment, France
  • Anne Lauvergeon - CEO, Areva; France
  • Yves Leterme - Prime Minister, Belgium
  • Enrico Letta - Member of the Italian Parliament
  • Li Yuguang - Deputy Director, State Intellectual Property Office of the People’s Republic of China
  • Edison Liu - Executive Director, Genome Institute of Singapore
  • Emma Marcegaglia - President, Confindustria, Italy
  • Roberto Maroni - Minister for Internal Affairs, Italy
  • Mario Monti - President, Bocconi University, Italy
  • Kenneth P. Morse - Member, National Advisory Council on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (U.S. Department of Commerce); Founding Managing Director, MIT Entrepreneurship Center; Chair in Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Competitiveness, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands
  • Amre Moussa - Secretary General, League of Arab States
  • Wolfgang Munchau - Associate Editor, Financial Times
  • Giorgio Napolitano - President of the Italian Republic - live, in videoconference
  • Joaquín Navarro-Valls - President Advisory Board, Campus Bio-Medico University, Rome; President, Telecom Italia Foundation
  • Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa - President, Notre Europe, France
  • Corrado Passera - Managing Director and CEO, Intesa Sanpaolo, Italy
  • Shimon Peres - President, State of Israel
  • Charles David Powell - House of Lords, UK
  • it:Federico Rampini - Correspondent from the USA, La Repubblica
  • Marco Reguzzoni - Member of the Italian Parliament
  • Jonas Ridderstråle - Visiting Professor, Ashridge Business School (UK); Writer
  • Gianni Riotta - Editor in Chief, Il Sole 24 Ore
  • Sergio Romano - Columnist
  • Nouriel Roubini - Professor of Economics and International Business, Stern School of Business, New York University, USA
  • Card. Camillo Ruini - President of the Cultural Project Committee, Italian Episcopal Conference (CEI)
  • Elena Salgado - Minister for the Economy and Finance, Spain
  • Wolfgang Schüssel - Former Federal Chancellor, Austria
  • Hans-Werner Sinn - Professor of Economics and Public Finance, University of Munich; Director of CES-Center for Economic Studies (University of Munich); President, Ifo Institute for Economic Research, Germany
  • Peter Sutherland - President, Goldman Sachs International, UK
  • Antonio Tajani - Vice-President, European Commission and European Commissioner for Industry and Entrepreneurship
  • Giulio Tremonti - Minister for the Economy and Finance, Italy
  • Jean-Claude Trichet - President, European Central Bank
  • Edwin Truman - Senior Fellow, Peterson Institute for International Economics, USA.
  • Matti Vanhanen - Former Prime Minister, Finland
  • Yanis Varoufakis - Hoogleraar, voormalige minister van Financiën van Griekenland.
  • Umberto Veronesi - Director, European Institute of Oncology
  • Jimmy Wales - Internetondernemer, medeoprichter van Wikipedia.

Bronnen, noten en/of referenties

Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
